Sunday, October 19, 2008

Well, it looks like I have crashed a summer Reunion if anyone was planning on having it in July like normal. We are due to have a baby around June 22, 2009! Sorry if I messed up plans but we have been trying to work this out early! HAHAHA.. totally out of my hands and into the Lord's of timing! So, with that said we are so excited to add another cousin to the mix. I love you all.. talk to you soon!


Jen B said...

It's about time you start popping out again! Congratulations! We love you! (and I wonder how long your secret will still be safe... does anyone in the fam look at this blog? lol!)

~Hartwig Family~ said...

I told Dad while he was at Camey's house this afternoon. Camey all ready knows so I think that just leaves Ryan! So we will see how long it takes for him to get on.. HA HA!