Hi Everybody!
We just wanted to let everyone know we are staying home here in Texas.
The Hurricane is going to come over us, but we should be ok here in the house.
We have plenty of water, food, batteries, candles, cooking stuff, chocolate, etc
All the essentials. Thanks to Camey and the 72 hour kit, we had a head start
in a lot of areas. We heard from the Stake President this morning and
all the emergency procedures are in place. Hopefully, we will just get some wind and rain.
We will probably lose power at some point, if you can't get a hold of us on the land line we have three cell phones, and I have a satelite broadband for the laptop. So, if you can't get us by phone,
look at your email. We will call everybody, as soon as everything is over and let you know we're
OK. The wind is already starting to pick up, and we should start getting higher winds by this afternoon ( friday). Take care, we love you all!!!!!!
Papa and G. Rhonda