Monday, March 10, 2008

"The" Swing

Thursday was probably the most emotional day I've had in the recent months of selling the family homesteads in Scottsdale, AZ. It was the last day that the tire swing would remain in the huge pine tree outback. It was hard, to see things as they have been, and different from how they will be... I have to thank Rob for hanging that seriously dangerous swing a few years back... even if as adults we thought he was "loco" for doing so, but if he'd never done it - my girls would probably never have memories of how fun a rush of height can be- and that touching the roof is really possible, and that taking turns, or standing in line is really worth something and most of all that time with family really is important. The trees are amazing... nothing we'll probably ever have hands on again and it's now I have to remind myself that the "Roots" of our family are not about the things we have or keep in this life - but what we learn, the lives we touch, and the memories we take with us when we go. Too many more memories to come - I love you all.

1 comment:

Camey Tucker said...

The house area looks strange and different. I am so glad I have great memories locked up in my little head. I will have to pass on those tire swing memories to my children. Thanks for the sweet post.